4 Products

in Pediatric Products

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Albitus Syrup

- Albitus is a combination of Albendazole. It is used in the treatment of infections caused by nematodes (roundworm) such as pinworms

- thread worms

- hookworms and whip worms

Cefsiq 50 Dry Syrup

- Cefiq 50 Dry Syrup is a combination of cefixime

- and lactoferrin. Cefixime is a broad-spectrum penicillin derivative that provides effective treatment against multiple bacterial species in gram-negative and gram-positive species. Lactic acid was used as an antifungal agent. Bacillus 30 million spores were used in treatment of infection.

Cypmatic T Syrup

- Cypmatic T Combination Of Cyproheptadine + Tricholine powder has been formulated to help manage your digestive system. This supplement has been proven to improve digestion and appetite by acting as an antihistamine

- anti-muscular tremors

- motility and secretion of stomach acid.

Fysiq-Ap Syrup

- Aceclofeanc 100mg

- Paracetamol 325mg

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