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Albitus is a combination of Albendazole. It is used in the treatment of infections caused by nematodes (roundworm) such as pinworms, thread worms, hookworms and whip worms
10 M.L.
Bonehelp is a special combination of cissus quadrangularis + Vit C + L Arginine. It promotes recovery of normal bone structure and maked. osteoporosis a thing of the past. It is proven to be highly effective in the treatment of many kinds of fractures.
200 M.L.
Calrobes D3 Shots are a superior source of vitamin D to support healthy bone, teeth and tissue health. Calrobes D3 Shots are used in the prevention and treatment of diseases that affect bones, teeth and tissues such as osteoporosis, rickets and osteomalacia.
liquid solution
4*5 M.L.
Calrobes is a nutritional supplement that helps maintain the health of your bones, teeth and muscles. This product combines Calcium Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc & Vitamin D3, to help prevent osteoporosis (loss of bone density).
200 M.L.
Cefiq 50 Dry Syrup is a combination of cefixime, and lactoferrin. Cefixime is a broad-spectrum penicillin derivative that provides effective treatment against multiple bacterial species in gram-negative and gram-positive species. Lactic acid was used as an antifungal agent. Bacillus 30 million spores were used in treatment of infection.
Dry Syrup
30 M.L.
Cypmatic T Combination Of Cyproheptadine + Tricholine powder has been formulated to help manage your digestive system. This supplement has been proven to improve digestion and appetite by acting as an antihistamine, anti-muscular tremors, motility and secretion of stomach acid.
200 M.L.
Emilzyme is a combination of a fungicidal diastase and pepsin, which are effective for the treatment of gastric dyspepsia. It improves digestion, reduces gas production and maximizes nutrient absorption.
200 M.L.
Gasosiq is a combination of sucralfate and oxetacaine used in the treatment of acidity and GERD. It contains sucralfate, a compound that inhibits stomach acid production as well as reduces heartburn. Oxetacaine has also been shown to relieve symptoms of heartburn and GERD including pain in your chest, sour saliva and burning taste in your mouth.
200 M.L.
L-CURE is a liquid formula containing Lutein and Lycopene. L-CURE helps maintain body activity by supporting heart, skin and immune health as well as maintaining vitamins and minerals essential to overall health.
200 M.L.
L Shine DS is a synergistic blend of herbs and roots traditionally used in the treatment of jaundice, fatty liver, alcoholic liver and other conditions. The formula is specifically targeted at strengthening and rebalancing the liver.
200 M.L.
L Shine Liver Tonic is a product used in the treatment of liver disease. The liver is an important organ that plays a key role in health and nutrition. When it becomes diseased, it can lead to serious medical problems such as jaundice or hepatitis.
200 M.L.
Longisiq is a combination of Buclizine hydrochloride used in the treatment of motion sickness, allergic reaction and vomiting, migraine & insomnia.
200 M.L.
Ayurvedic Uterine Tonic is an herbal medicine which can be used in the treatment of uterine infection. It was formulated by a team of Ayurvedic doctors using proven herbs, homeopathic principles and ayurvedic methods to treat different types of infections.
200 M.L.
Proviscan Germicide Gargle is used in the treatment of sore throat. The combination of Povidone lodine and menthol has a cooling effect on the throat, relieving discomfort and aiding in recovery.
liquid solution
100 M.L.
Vicotus D is a combination of dextromethorphan, phenylephrine and chlorpheniramine maleate used for the temporary relief of coughs and minor symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections in adult males.
100 M.L.
100 M.L.
The Florascan Amp is a proprietary blend of Bacillus Clausii spores, used in treatment of the imbalance of intestinal bacterial flora due to diverse causes such as antibiotic usage, antibiotics in meals and overuse of Probiotics.
10*5 M.L.
Lycopene6% 5000 mcg, Leutin 8% 3 mg, Grape Seed Extract 25 mg, L - Arginine 25 mg, Chromium picolinate 55 mcg, Vit B6 1.5 mg, Selenium 75 mcg, Folic Acid 1.5 mg, Zinc Sulphate 22.5 mg
Soft Capsules
Pantaprazole 40mg Inj
Methylcobalamin 1000mcg, Pyridoxine 100mg, Nicotinamide 100mg, Benzyl Alchoal 2% Inj
Ceftriaxone 1000mcg, Sulbactam 500mg
Diclofenac Sodium 75mg Inj 
Meropenem 1gm
Dry Injections
Pipercillin, Tazobactum
Ondansetron Hcl Injection I.P.
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