3 Products

in Digestive Enzymes

0 - 10 Selected

KAMOZYME-Plus Tablets

- Pancreatin 170 IPmg

- Activated Dimethicone IP 80mg

KAMOZYME 200ml Syrup

- Fungal diastase IP(1:1200) 50mg

- (fungal diastase derived from Aspergillus oryzae)

- (Digest not less than 60 gm cooked starch) Pepsin(1:3000) 10mg

- (Digest Not Less Than 30 gm of coagulated egg albumin)

KAMOZYME 100ml Syrup

- Fungal diastase IP(1:1200) 50mg

- (fungal diastase derived from Aspergillus oryzae)

- (Digest not less than 60 gm cooked starch) Pepsin(1:3000) 10mg

- (Digest Not Less Than 30 gm of coagulated egg albumin)

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